Hope International - New Zealand
Hope International - New Zealand
Health Ministries & Christian Publishers
Health Ministries & Christian Publishers


Believe His Prophets (Evening Devotional)

Believe His Prophets (Evening Devotional)

From Satan's first deception through the second coming of Jesus, it tells the grand story of the God..


Christ Triumphant: Daily Meditations for Adults

Christ Triumphant: Daily Meditations for Adults

This daily devotional from the pen of Ellen G. White traces the hand of God from Eden to eternity. T..


From the Heart

From the Heart

From the Heart Devotional“Soon the many mansions that our Savior has gone to prepare will burst upon..


God Knows the Heart

God Knows the Heart

God Knows the HeartMatthew? Who would waste time with him? The shyster tax collector was a traitor t..


In Heavenly Places

In Heavenly Places

Focusing on what Christ desires to do for and in us, as our characters are shaped for eternity. God'..


My Life Today: E G. White

My Life Today: E G. White

In these devotionals, a constant call to duty is combined with the assurance of pardon and the promi..


My Life Today: E G. White

My Life Today: E G. White

In these devotionals, a constant call to duty is combined with the assurance of pardon and the promi..


Sons and Daughters of God

Sons and Daughters of God

Who was Ellen G. White, and why do millions consider her writings of special value and significance?..


That I May Know him

That I May Know him

More than half of the book is drawn from the wealth of inspired material in the articles from her pe..


The Upward Look

The Upward Look

Daily devotional for having a closer walk with Christ...


Showing 1 to 10 of 10 (1 Pages)