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A Biblical Defense
An in-depth Biblical defense of the Sanctuary beliefs as given in Daniel, Leviticus, Revelationand H..
A Call to Medical Evangelism & Health Education
Selections from the writings of Ellen G. White. A call to medical evangelism is first giv..
A Creationist's View of Dinosaurs And The Theory of Evolution
Does the Bible mention dinosaurs? Can a Christian believe in evolution? In the great conflict betwee..
A Modern Subtle Challenge to God's Authority
By Milton G. Crane, M.D.This book is an attempt to reveal what the author believes is one of the mos..
A More Sure Word of Prophecy
An indispensable method of studying Bible prophecy is to focus on its relationship with history. Thi..
A Saving Relationship
By Lloyd and Leola Rosenvold. The reader may find that the relationship as described in S..
A Straightforward Discussion of The Trinity & Similar Godhead Errors
A Straightforward Discussion of The Trinity & Similar Godhead Errors This is a ..
Adventism in Crisis!
Written by Ron Spear.The Church may appear as about to fall . . . but it does not fall. It rem..
America in Prophecy
Book 2 - Taken from The Great Controversy. "O'er the land of the free . . ..
An Appeal to the General Conference President
Written by Elder Ron Spear. Few appreciates the importance of striving constantly..
An Enduring Vision - Revelation Revealed
Written by Austin Cooke. The book of Revelation begins with a promise: "Blessed is he wh..
An examination of Desmond Ford's book : Right with God right now: how God saves people as shown in the Bible's Book of Romans
"This present document is the biblical answer to Ford's commentary on Romans, Right With God, Right ..
Ancient Words Present Hope
When John the Revelator studied the scriptures to learn about Jesus and God’s plan for our world, he..
And This Gospel of the Kingdom
We must know individually the prescribed conditions of the entering into eternal life. We must know ..
Answers to my Catholic Friends
... Do you have the Mass like the Catholic Church? Why not?... Where do the differences between Cath..
Answers to my Jehovah's Witness Friends
Answers you need to witness effectively to Jehovah's Witnesses When Jehovah's Witnesses come to your..
Answers to my Mormon Friends
Mormonism stands or falls on the life of its founder, Joseph Smith. That's why you (and Mormons who ..
Answers to Objections to Our Authorized Bible
Written by B. G. Wilkinson. From 1611 to 1881 the King James Version reigned supreme. &nb..
Are You More Spiritual Than a 5th Grader?
Karl Haffner and his daughter Claire - a fifth-grader at the time - teamed up to repackage Elder Ven..
Ark of the Covenant
Written by Jonathan Gray. They called it a hoax, till one man went to prove it so. . . The une..
Armageddon at The Door
Shrouded in symbols and masked with astonishing imagery, the final events of earths history are unfo..
At the Crossroads: The Seventh-day Adventist Church 1990
It is said that a pope and an artist once stood on the steps of the great St Peter's cathedral in Ro..
Babylon Rising
Revelation speaks of a mysterious power that rises to the height of global dominion. It will strip t..
Battle of the Bibles
From the back cover: "Battle of the Bibles is not 'just another of those books on Bible versions.' O..
Bearing Witness to the Truth
Written by David Lin. David was born in 1917, the second son of a Chinese Diplomat. At a..
Beginning of the End
All the signals are go... Why it is almost here... Why it is inevitabelleWriting began on this book ..
Beyond Belief Written by Kevin Paulson
Beyond Belief, Reviewed Written by Kevin Paulson Bible student ..
Beyond Death's Door
Written by Gerald Wheeler. Death is a part of life. Beyond Death's Door searches the..
Beyond the Veil of Darkness
Written By Esmie BrannerBeyond the Veil of Darkness is an intimate first-person account of the strug..
BIBLE READINGS: BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED By Happiness Digest Series **Mint**Bible Readings: Bible Qu..
Blind Faith - Evolution Exposed
Leading Scientist Appraises Blind Faith."Peth thoroughly and carefully describes the biblical and sc..
Blow Ye the Trumpet in Zion
"Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: Gather the people, sanctify the ..
Born to Die
It happened 2,000 years ago, in a small barn, in a small town, in a small nation yet your life, an..
Bringing it Back
Written by Vance FerrellHere is how you, our leaders can help bring our Advent Movement back to the ..
By Grace Through Faith
Written by Abraham SimpsonThe Gospel as presented in the Epistles to the Romans and Galatians..
Christ Triumphant: Daily Meditations for Adults
This daily devotional from the pen of Ellen G. White traces the hand of God from Eden to eternity. T..
Christian Faith and Religious Freedom
Written by V. Norskov Olsen"In an era when the American church is actively pursuing political power,..
Collected Writings of John Nevins Andrews
Collected Writings of John Nevins Andrews John Nevins Andrews (1829-..
Collected Writings of Joseph Harvey Waggoner
Collected Writings of Joseph Harvey Waggoner A Collection of Some Sixteen Books and Six P..
Collected Writings of Stephen Nathan Haskell
Collected Writings of Stephen Nathan Haskell Nearly seventy sermons, letters, and comments, pl..
Written by Rebecca Samsing. After God wrote on the Tables of Stone, we’re told that one o..
Could it be Apostasy?
"We have learned by painful experience, also, that when these Testimonies are silent, or their warni..
Counsels on Diet and Food
Scripture commands, “Whether ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do it all to the glory of God” (..
Counsels on Stewardship
Practical instructions taken from the writings of Ellen G. White. Nearly seventy topics emphasize ou..
Creeping Compromise
With his unique, straight-forward style, Elder Crews addresses some of the most sensitive and contro..
Crisis in Siberia
Here is a heart gripping true story how people in Siberia discovered the Sabbath and it saved them f..
D'Sozo: Reversing the Worst Evil
D'Sozo comes from the Greek root which the New Testament uses for both spiritual salvation and physi..
Dealing with the devils deception
Clean, sturdy and unmarked. An overview of the development and dangers of the modern translations of..
Deceived by the New Age
When the dazzling spirit-being appeared to him during his morning meditation, Will Baron thought it ..
Defending God
Written by Vance FerrellThis book deals with a most solemn subject, which is deserving of our carefu..
Defending the Godhead
Written by Vance FerrellThis book deals with a most solemn subject, which is deserving of our carefu..
Defending the Spirit of Prophecy
Written by Vance FerrellDid plagiarism actually occur? How can we be sure she did not copy most of i..
Detour & Ditches
This book is designed to help readers recognize and understand four of the most common detours and d..
Drums, Rock and Worship
Written by Karl TsatalbasidisExplores the complex relationship of today's church and modern music in..
Ecclesiastical Megalomania
By John Robbins.Explore the economic and political thought of the Roman Catholic Church, which more ..
Education for Excellence
By Colin and Russell StandishIn the ministry of the apostle Paul, the culture, philosophy and educat..
Ellen G. White and the Godhead: Divinity of Christ and the Person of the Holy Spirit
This collection of statements is not a comprehensive work regarding the Godhead; however, it contain..
End-Time Living
Written by Mark A. FinleyMark Finley, speaker emeritus of the It Is Written television bro..
Enforced Sunday Law Coming Back to America
Written by Vance Ferrell. Direct plans by the largest U.S. church coalition to get it thr..
Entering Armageddon
The heart of the best selling book The Great Controversy. 20 chapters plus 31 Bible, historical, and..
Entering the Sanctuary Experience
Written by Vance Ferrell. The Complete Sanctuary Message for believers in the 2nd Advent ..
Written by John M. Fowler. He founded the church at Ephesus with 12 male believers (Acts ..
Evolution Shattered
Written by Vance Ferrell. A powerful book which is unanswerable. Thousands of scientific ..
Faith and Works
Salvation is by faith alone, but faith is never alone. That is the message of these 18 reading..
Futurism's Incredible Journey
Futurism's Incredible JourneyWritten by Stephen P. Bohr "By means of a secret raptu..
God Knows the Heart
God Knows the HeartMatthew? Who would waste time with him? The shyster tax collector was a traitor t..
God's Channel of Truth...
Written by E.B PricePerhaps you also, along with many others, have asked the question, "Is God's ch..
God's Gift in Time
Our Creator God gave us special gift of His love – a gift in time called the Sabbath – a God-appoint..
Great Cloud of Witnesses
One of the most respected Bible scholars of the 19th century, British clergyman ETHELBERT WILLIAM BU..
Guide to Christian Perfection
Written By Charles FitchIs perfection in the Christian life an impossible dream or a reality? In "Gu..
Help! I've Been Blessed!
Written by Julian ArcherJesus is knocking at our heart's door, but so often we can't even reach the ..
Hidden Heresey
Spiritualism influencing the Adventist Church? How could something so foreign to the very heart of A..
Written by Dave FiedlerGet a taste of "Millerism," watch spiritualism grow, define "Sanitarium," ge..
His Mighty Love
Twenty-one Evangelistic Sermons by Ralph Larson Every doctrine of the Bible, properly understoo..
Hope When The World Falls Apart
Written by Russell BurrillHelp for today...Hope for tomorrow...from Daniel and RevelationDaily stre..
I am Persuaded
Written by Fred KinseyHave you ever encountered a Bible passage that grabbed hold of your soul and w..
In Awe of the Word
In Awe of Thy Word: Understanding the King James Bible Its Mystery and History Letter by LetterIn Aw..
In Defense of the Authenticity of 1 John 5:7
In Defense of the Authenticity of 1 John 5:7 sheds a strong light on the issues radiating from one c..
Is There Not a People?
Written by Dan JarrardDan Jarrard innocently decided to share the results of his Biblical research a..
Issues Clarified
A Clarification of Issues: The Seventh-day Adventist Church & Certain Private Ministries (Issues..
Jeanine Sautron: An Analysis of Her Writings
Jeanine Sautron: Adn Analysis of Her WritingsWritten By Vance Ferrell ..
Jesus The Man
Written by Edward W.H. Vick"Whom do men say that I am?" Jesus asked his disciples. Later Pilate aske..
Jewels in the land: The end-time message of the sanctuary
A Wealth of Information About the Sanctuary "In the midst of a cacophony of voices. . . Jewels in th..
Keeping Connection
When we describe the Christian life as a relationship with our Creator, prayer is the connection tha..
Laodicea. Her Authority, Organization and Destiny
Laodicea. Her Authority, Organization and DestinyWritten by Vernon Sparks Because thou s..
Laughter And Tears of The Pioneers
Written by Paul A. Gordon and James R. NivA collection of heartfelt stories of happy and sad times i..
Let no Man Deceive You
Written by David Emerson WilsonThis book is a call to Biblical discernment and reveals what inspirat..
Life After 9/11
Written by Rich CavanessSeptember 11,2001, changed everything. In just one tragic day, men and women..
Life is Good
Written by William G. JohnssonLife is good for some people. Their struggles are minor, their worries..
Life Sketches
In these pages Ellen White provides a brief account of her childhood days and her early Christian ex..
Life Without Limits
In this enlightening book, Clifford Goldstein takes on some of life's biggest questions and offers s..
Living the Life of Enoch
People tell us it is too late to warn of dangers, too late to give the final message to the world, t..