Hope International - New Zealand
Hope International - New Zealand
Health Ministries & Christian Publishers
Health Ministries & Christian Publishers

“Silver and Gold have I none” Acts 9:6.


In hindsight, the Covid 19 virus caught Adventists by surprise. It closed down the whole world. The world will never be the same again. There will be more vaccines, which no one will be allowed to question for their safety. There will be a slowing down of international travel. There will be more irrepayable debt, and hence more control over our economy by the government. From a Seventh-day Adventist perspective we were all caught unawares. This is a wake-up call for not being spiritually prepared for what is coming upon the world. These certainly are signs of the last days.
People are asking questions and searching the net in many instances for answers.  They are wanting to know what lies ahead in this unstable world. Even Seventh-day Adventists are unsure what will unfold in the prophetic timeline.  This is a golden opportunity for us who are aware of what is coming upon the world to inform those with genuine interest.  Most people have no idea that the world is coming to an end. They are mesmerized by their daily chores, money-making and revelry.
What does the Bible and the SOP say is going to unfold before this generation?
Firstly, we must tell the searchers that the Bible is the only book in the world that tells the future one hundred percent. However, millions of Christians in the USA and in other parts of the world are in our view misinterpreting prophecy. They see that signs of the end times are: the return of the nation of Israel to Palestine, the re-building of the third temple on the temple mount, the appearing of a Jewish antichrist, the secret rapture of the saints, then seven years tribulation. At the beginning of this tribulation the Jews will restart their sacrifices in their newly built temple. The antichrist will, however after three and a half years, betray the Jews. After another three and a half years they believe Jesus will come back and stop the antichrist in his tracks and start his thousand years of peace on this earth.  He will command all to keep Sunday holy in honour of his resurrection from the dead on the first day of the week.
We know that this phoney peace will be interrupted by destruction when the world awakes to the seven last plagues of Revelation 16.  Then the world awakes to the sobering reality they've been deceived out of eternal life and are lost for eternity. This is the fulfilment of the statement that Satan would deceive the whole world. Revelation 12: 7-9. The modern Bibles have helped this fatal delusion by translating Matthew 24:3 "What shall be the sign of thy coming and the end of the world" from "What shall be the sign of thy coming and the end of the age." Even the New KJV Bible follows this satanic trap with "the end of the age". Nearly all the Sunday-keeping churches in America are ignorant of the fact that Satan is going to come as a great angel of light and solve the world's problems with one hand which he has cunningly caused with the other hand.  On this vital point, the world will make an eternal decision between the Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God. That is between forced Sunday worship or being persecuted for keeping God's Holy Sabbath of the fourth commandment.
Adventists should familiarize themselves with the following Bible texts which show that Satan can, and will appear, as a great angel of light.
The pivotal text is:
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14.
Following  texts are:
"Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders." 2 Thessalonians 2:9.
"For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many." Matthew 24:5
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that, if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect." Matthew 24;24.
"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed." Gal 1:8.
If we understand these vital texts we will be better equipped to endure the greatest deception the world will ever experience.
We mentioned that the American Evangelicals, Baptists and Pentecostal Sunday keeping churches in America are thriving on false prophecy. The devil is doing his utmost to hold them in this delusion by making as many of these false prophecies come true as he is permitted. He has fulfilled the false prophecy of the Jews returning to Palestine and setting up the nation of Israel. These deluded Christians are now looking forward to the secret rapture. One wonders how Satan will pull this stunt off? They also are looking for their Temple to be rebuilt. However, the Bible denies them their expectations because it shows that the Temple ground will be given to the Gentiles until the close of Probation.  "…And Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled." Luke 21:24. In 364AD, the Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate, attempted to rebuild the temple many times to appease the Jews and their money. But each time it was supernaturally destroyed by fire, earthquakes and lightning. This would indicate that when Christ said that not one stone would be left upon another stone he meant it (Matthew 24: 2). The supernatural ripping of the curtain in the Temple   indicates that there would never be another Temple. Christ died once for all (Romans 6:10). He is now our High Priest in the Heavenly Sanctuary (Hebrews 8:1-2). Revelation 11:2 shows that the Temple outer court has been given unto the Gentiles.
The dream of the Sunday-keeping Christians in America relating to the seven year tribulation is a fantasy constructed from gross misinterpretation of the Scriptures. The devil will have difficulty fulfilling this false prophecy. He will find it less difficult to fulfil the following false prophecies. He can bring about the future Antichrist who will be a Jew according to a vision given by 'Mother Mary'. This Antichrist will enforce a computerized mark on all. This will lead to a conflict with the Sunday Christians who see the New World Order as encroaching on their liberties. This, in turn, will lead to their anticipated battle of Armageddon.  The Great deceiver will stop this war which he starts, and appear as the benefactor of humanity.
We now look at what we believe to be the true interpretation of end-time prophecies. We will see how the devil is entwining and interlocking his popular but false interpretations alongside the truth.  Adventists who are wanting to understand future events can expect  an increase in natural disasters as the Investigative  Judgment of the living winds down in the Heavenly Sanctuary (Revelation 7:1-3). The next step is a National Sunday Law in the United States. The Sunday-keeping churches in US are financing the re-election of the incumbent President who knows that he needs their support. They are concerned with the way the NWO is draining America of its wealth. They are also concerned about uncontrolled immigration, abortion, homosexuality, and evolution being taught to the receptive young in schools. President Trump is viewed as the great saviour of America for he will 'make America great again.' He is closing the Mexican border, bringing jobs back to America. The NWO has been draining America, but for her to fulfil her role in biblical prophecy, she must become great again and that is exactly what is happening. We interpret in Revelation 13:14 that the US will form an image to the beast. This beast is the Papacy which ruled by the union of Church and State. For the US to make an image to the beast it must refute the First Amendment of the Constitution and unite the Church and State with the Sunday Law. For some time America has been polarised into the Left and the Right; the Liberals and the Conservatives; the Democrats and the Republicans.  We are told in the Great Controversy 592, that the Sunday Law in America will be enacted by the politicians as a result of a groundswell movement of dissatisfaction brought about by Liberals turning America's liberties into licentiousness. The Spirit of Prophecy tells us that national apostasy is followed by national ruin (2SM 373). National ruin comes before the close of probation and is called the 'little time of trouble' (Early Writings 85). Some would see that this general ruin is the Sunday-keepers’ predicted Armageddon. In the midst of this ruin Satan comes as Christ and puts a stop to the chaos. He then sets up his 1000 year millennium of this earth. At this time the International Sunday law will be brought in. "As the crowning act in the great drama of deception, Satan himself will impersonate Christ. The church has long professed to look to the Saviour's advent as the consummation of her hopes. Now the great deceiver will make it appear that Christ has come. In gentle, compassionate tones he presents some of the same gracious, heavenly truths which the Saviour uttered; he heals the diseases of the people, and then, in his assumed character of Christ, he claims to have changed the Sabbath to Sunday and commands all to hallow the day which he has blessed. He declares that those who persist in keeping holy the seventh day are blaspheming his name, by refusing to listen to his angels sent to them with light and truth. This is the strong, almost overmastering delusion…His blessing is pronounced upon the worshippers of the beast and his image, the very class upon whom the Bible declares that God's unmingled wrath shall be poured out" GC 623-25.
"Fallen angels upon earth form confederations with evil men. In this age antichrist [Satan] will appear as the true Christ, and then the law of God will be fully made void in the nations of the world [International Sunday Law comes after Satan appears as Christ].”  TM 62. During this little time of trouble God destroys the Omega of apostasy which has crept into the Laodicean Church. The new system of intellectual philosophy which has overwhelmed the Church will be destroyed by storm and tempest at this time (1 SM 204-8). The unfaithful pastors will perish at this time. "These dumb dogs that would not bark are the ones that feel the just vengeance of an offended God. Men, maidens and little children all perish together" 5T 211. At this time every earthly asset is stripped from us (DA121-122). There will be many who fall at their posts during this little time of trouble as they defend God's truth (Maranatha 199). The Church appears to fall, because like in AD70, the structure fell but God still had a faithful few, which we are a remnant of today. The great majority of Adventists turn out to be base metal and become the worse enemies of the little number of loyal saints (GC 608).
"And at the commencement of the time of trouble, we were filled with the Holy Ghost as we went forth and proclaimed the Sabbath more fully" EW85. This is the Latter Rain which brings forth the loud cry. When the former rain fell, it created a problem because it fell upon the representatives of the common people. It was given by God and not the Church leaders. The same thing will happen with the Latter Rain; it will be again given by God and not the Church leaders. In the former rain the leaders opposed those who received the power of God. Likewise, in the Latter Rain, most of the church leaders will again oppose those who receive this gift from God (1RH 405).  When the former rain fell, Peter and John were outside the Temple "Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk" Acts 3:6.  All these things happened to them for ensamples to us on whom the ends of the world would come (1 Corinthians 10:11).
In ancient Egypt Moses and Aaron worked their miracles before the Pharaoh and his magicians (Exodus 4) So it will be in the little time of trouble before the close of probation. God's saints, who are giving the loud cry, will be working miracles while Satan who is masquerading as Christ on the earth will be working his miracles with his agents. In this momentous time God will in mercy lay to rest the young and the old ( LD E 255).  
"The work which the church has failed to do in a time of peace and prosperity, she will have to do in a terrible crisis under most discouraging, forbidding circumstances. The warning that worldly conformity has silenced or withheld must be given under the fiercest opposition from enemies of the faith" 5T 463. "Your duty cannot be shifted upon another…Eternity stretches before us…we who occupy this solemn responsible position, what are we doing, what are we thinking about, that we cling to our selfish love of ease, while souls are perishing around us? …do you believe that God's judgments are hanging over the people and can you still sit at ease, indolent, careless, pleasure-loving?” 5T464.
"Now while our Great High Priest is making atonement for us, we should seek to become perfect in Christ. Not even by a thought could our Saviour be brought to yield to the power of temptation…Satan could find nothing in the Son of God that would enable him to gain the victory. He had kept His Father's commandments, and there was no sin in Him that Satan could use to his advantage. This is the condition in which those must be found who will stand in the time of trouble. It is in this life that we are to separate sin from us, through faith in the atoning blood of Christ…it rests with us to cooperate with the agencies which Heaven employs in the work of conforming our characters to the divine model. None can neglect or defer this work but at the most fearful peril to their souls" GC 623.
Note: Since this editorial was written Government plans have materialised, and revealed the following ongoing attacks on our freedoms. We mentioned in the last editorial that there was a bigger agenda involved here. For hundreds of years the English speaking people’s home has been their “Castle”. From the rich down to the poor, their home was a sanctuary and could not be entered without a warrant. The Covid - 19 crisis is virtually over yet the NZ Government rushed through legislation in the dark of the night which allows Police to now enter any home they wish without a warrant. All this because somebody might hold a party with 16 people instead of the limit of 15. This was to stay in force for two years. The public outcry was such that the Government had to backtrack and allow a review in three months. The Government  has also brought in ‘Contact Tracing’ on nearly all who buy and sell. This allows the Government to know where every one is 24/7. The NZ Police have been caught practicing ‘Facial Recognition’ just as they do in Communist China. This was an embarrassment to both the Government and the Police. The Government is planning to now bring in Laws against ‘Hate Speech’. We should all know who will be on the receiving end of this legislation. The internet is also being censored to remove any material that might provide a remedy to the present crisis, which differs from the ‘official’ remedy. The Corona Virus is over yet the Govt. continues the restrictions upon our freedoms. Some say that these restrictions are getting us ready for the next ‘new wave’ of Corona Virus in which a world wide ‘safe’ vaccination program will be implemented. Yesterday Air New Zealand made redundant 1300 international pilots and staff. Fletcher Construction has laid off 1500 staff in NZ and Australia. The economy is faltering, the nation is sinking into unrepayable debt, and people are asking has it been a total over-kill, all to keep us safe. We mentioned in the editorial that the present situation was like stopping a headache by cutting off the head. The following facts would indicate that this is a correct view of the situation. The Govt. says that 20 people have died from the Covid-19 virus. During this period 67 people have committed suicide. In the same period last year 35 committed suicide. The extra 28 could be attributed to stress caused by the Govt. shut down during the crisis. This is higher than the total number of suspected Coverd-19 deaths. During this same period according, to the NZ Govt’s latest statistics, 400 New Zealanders have died from medical misadventure, 800 have died from vascular disease, 700 have died from cancer, and 66 have died from diabetes.
If there is a hidden agenda, then we are going to have to do God’s work in the coming times of great distress. May we be an encouragement to all we meet.

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