Hope International - New Zealand
Hope International - New Zealand
Health Ministries & Christian Publishers
Health Ministries & Christian Publishers

Health Update: Building immunity

As the world goes forward into a new way of doing things because of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic we are now controlled in what we can and can’t do. We are limited in where we can or can’t go. Thankfully though, we can still choose what we put into our mouth and other lifestyle measures we can take such as exercise. However, even this is limited to our local areas, as we are told by the Government to stay local for exercise. So what can we do to stay healthy?...

Are we doing things that are healthy already, or what can we improve upon? The Bible says “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). What is our best protection against this pandemic and other pestilences that may arise?

Should I Wait and Rely On a Vaccine?...

The best protection against this disease and other diseases is having a good defense system, i.e. our immune system. Our immune system is geared up for shielding us against disease. Even when we don’t give it the best it needs, like good nutrition, our immune system still aims to defend and do its best. So what can we do nutritionally to support our immune system and help it perform optimally?

Even if you have never thought about what you have eaten or done before this, or were complacent, it is never too late to change your eating habits and lifestyle for your good.

Interestingly, amongst mainstream media, healthy eating, sufficient water or lifestyle measures are not spoken of, or even hinted at as being helpful for preventative measures.

Why Is This?

Often when journalists talk about COVID-19 you hear that technicians are working on a new vaccine soon, or that pharmacists are following new drugs, such as the anti-malarial drug as future treatment options. Medications have side effects, including this one, while nutrition and lifestyle measures don't. Furthermore, the interesting thing is that while they have locked down everyone in New Zealand and many other parts of the world, they are aiming to prevent the spread of COVID-19. They have used extreme measures such as closing schools, workplaces, and the economy, ultimately. However, the Government has not highlighted healthy eating and lifestyle as a way to help prevent COVID-19. Regardless of this, some in mainstream society have some insight into nutrition as immune-enhancing with many pharmacies having sold out of Vitamin C and other health supplements. So why doesn’t immune-boosting advice come from the Government at this time? 

I guess vaccines and drugs are a million-dollar business that keeps those in power motivated to push these paths.

I suppose the question for Seventh-day Adventists, in particular, is “Have we been living the light that has been shown to us regarding the health message, which aims to keep our immune system strong?”

Let's examine some of the ways to boost your immune system. A particular area of concern is our diet, and making sure we eat a diet rich in plant-based foods. These types of foods are rich in vitamin C, zinc, and other antioxidants that help your body fight invaders like bacteria or viruses. Ideally, we should allow 5 hours between each meal to allow the digestion process to occur completely. It also gives the digestive system a break so that the body can work in other areas. A good idea is to have a glass of carrot juice at the start of a vegetable meal every day. Drinking it slowly, or swishing it around in your mouth, will help enzymes digest it.

Another way is to drink the required amount of water. This helps your body to function optimally and eliminate waste. In addition to good nutrition and enough water, our bodies need sunlight, good air (deep breathing), and exercise. All of this can be accomplished with a walk or gardening if you can. Exercise helps the body function well, especially moderate exercise, like walking. It is important not to exercise too strenuously you can enjoy gardening, but again it doesn't need to be to the point of exertion.


I would recommend using an Olive Leaf Extract while aiming for an oleuropein content of 50% or more. Oleuropein, the active ingredient in olive leaves, is credited with providing olive trees with their exceptional resistance to insect and bacterial damage, and is highly effective in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microbes, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

Vitamin C, garlic, and n-acetyl cysteine (NAC) are other supplements known to help the immune system fight viruses. In particular, NAC supplements, which are a form of cysteine, is an amino acid that supports the body's immune function by replenishing the most powerful antioxidant in your body; glutathione. Of course, you should always consult your doctor before starting supplements. Liquorice tea has also been shown to boost your immune system.

In general, the best protection against a virus like COVID-19 is to have a good immune system. Relying on the Government for medicines or vaccines that are not available makes no sense. Once again we are reminded of how merciful God is in giving us this spiritual warning to get physically and spiritually prepared for His soon return. Trusting that God has, and will continue to, protect us through all of our health problems as we work together with Him, is the most important factor (1 Corinthians 3:9, Psalm 91).

For more information or assistance, email me at hopeinternational.natalie@gmail.com

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Melanie Michals
Melanie Michals
Thursday 03rd August 2023

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