Hope International - New Zealand
Hope International - New Zealand
Health Ministries & Christian Publishers
Health Ministries & Christian Publishers

Hope International Events

Hope International Events

Three and half Day Missionary Training School

at Hope International 

Thursday 20th to Sunday 23rd April 2023

The program will begin at 2PM on Thursday, 

** (Note this is a half day ahead of the previously scheduled time).

 But if you miss any meetings, they will all be permanently available on the Hope Channel at YouTube.

Each meeting is live streamed for your convenience.


Thursday 2PM    Peter Henham on the Fundamentals of Adventism

Thursday 7PM    Evan Sadler on how to deal with the different religions


Friday     9AM   Sala Rarakula on the importance of the health message for outreach

Friday   11AM   Kim Whitehouse on the importance of the health message for outreach

Friday      2PM   Peter Henham on the Fundamentals of Adventism

Friday       7PM   Evan Sadler on how to deal with the different religions


Sabbath   9AM   Sala Rarakula on the importance of the health message for outreach

Sabbath 10:30AM Kim Whitehouse on the importance of the health message for outreach

Sabbath   12MD Peter Henham on the Fundamentals of Adventism

Sabbath     2PM  Sala and Kim Demonstrating Natural Remedies

Sabbath     7PM  Evan Sadler on how to deal with the different religions


Sunday      9AM Sala Rarakula on the importance of the health message for outreach

Sunday    11AM Kim Whitehouse on the importance of the health message for outreach

Sunday       2PM Peter Henham on the Fundamentals of Adventism

Sunday       7PM Evan Sadler on how to deal with the different religions

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